Our Vision
We can't experience God's love to its fullness until we love others. We live this by being fully present, listening deeply, and helping each other grow to be more like Jesus each day.
Our Beliefs
The following are the core beliefs of Mosaic Church based on the foundational truths taught in the bible. All of our teaching and ministry is rooted in and flows out of these biblical doctrines.
There is one eternally existing God who has three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God is the creator of all that exists, both visible and invisible, and is therefore worthy of all glory and praise. God is perfect in love, power, holiness, goodness, knowledge, wisdom, justice, and mercy. God is unchangeable and therefore is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
We believe in the mystery of salvation through Jesus Christ. God became human in Jesus of Nazareth; and his life, death and resurrection demonstrates God’s redeeming love.
The Holy Spirit is God’s present activity in our midst. When we sense God’s leading, God’s challenge, or God’s support or comfort, it’s the Holy Spirit at work.
The Church is meant to be the visible body of Christ, sent into the world to glorify God and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We believe that the Bible is God’s Word and is the primary authority for our faith and practice.
Genesis 1:27 asserts that we’ve been made in the image of the Creator. Like God we have the capacity to love and care, to communicate, and to create.
Jesus Christ is returning one day to judge both the living and the dead and to usher in the fullness of God’s kingdom on earth.
"There is one eternally existing God who has three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God is the creator of all that exists, both visible and invisible, and is therefore worthy of all glory and praise. God is perfect in love, power, holiness, goodness, knowledge, wisdom, justice, and mercy. God is unchangeable and therefore is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow."
Diverse Congregation
Mosaic’s worship is less of a production for an audience and more about engaging with the community in authentic and creative worship. God the Creator has made us in his creative image, and we use that creative energy to worship through ancient and modern songs, a full band, spoken word in multiple languages and compelling art.
Family Focused Discipleship
At Mosaic, children and students aren’t just the future, they’re vibrant members of our faith community today. Parents can choose to worship as a family or our engaging Mosaic Kids and Student Ministry programs for age-appropriate faith exploration.

Thoughtful Teaching
The Mosaic teaching team wrestles with real topics and current events. Each sermon is rooted in Scripture, and made relatable, understandable, and challenging. We believe in creativity and don’t adhere to the same formula every Sunday.
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