Good Friday

April 18 7:00 pm  |  Mosaic Church

350 N Fairfield Rd, Beavercreek, OH, USA

Experience the passion narrative like never before as you step into a deeply immersive journey. Walk alongside the story through dramatic interpretations, contemplative worship, sacred moments of reflection, and Scripture that breathes with new life.

Each of Christ’s seven final statements will be explored through different artistic expressions, creating a space for both personal reflection and community worship.

This isn’t just a service—it’s a profound journey that brings you to the very foot of the cross, allowing you to witness Christ’s sacrifice with renewed depth, perspective, and gratitude. Each moment is designed to engage your senses and open your heart to the weight and wonder of this holy day.

Bring family and friends as we remember together. All are welcome.
Childcare will be available for babies through preschool.