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Learn More With Us

Daily Devotional Texts
Lent is a season of preparation—a time to reflect, repent, and reorient our lives toward Jesus. But in a world filled with distractions, it’s easy to drift onto the broad road of comfort and complacency.
The Narrow Path Lent Wake-Up Call is a daily text message devotional designed to challenge, encourage, and call you deeper into the way of Jesus. Each morning during Lent, you’ll receive a short but powerful scripture and reflection—a wake-up call to stay on the narrow path that leads to life.
This Lent, let’s resist the broad way and follow Jesus with intention. Sign up today and commit to walking the narrow path!


Read The Book With Us
Go beyond Sunday mornings and read The Narrow Path with us throughout this Lenten season. 
"Pray Like This" Digital Prayer Guide

If prayer is hard for you, you’re in good company.

Prayer is hard for everyone. And yet, prayer is one of the great necessities for a life rooted in Jesus. But, mercifully, prayer doesn’t have to be complicated. Simple prayers are all it takes to grow spiritually. You’ll learn this using this digital prayer guide.

Narrow Path Sermons

Watch our weekly Lenten sermons.
Join us online for Traditional worship at 915am and Contemporary Worship at 11am.